Community Archetypes in the Permian Basin and their Relationship to Energy Resources

Community Archetypes in the Permian Basin and their Relationship to Energy Resources provides a detailed snapshot of the diverse communities within the Permian Basin, grounded in rigorous, county-level analysis.  

The report highlights the differences and similarities among these communities, focusing on their strengths and needs in relation to the energy industry, both past and future.  

For example, in Texas counties with exceptionally high oil and gas production, such as Midland and Reeves counties, the challenge lies in managing the transition to advanced energy technologies while fostering economic stability and opportunity. Meanwhile, in New Mexico counties like Eddy and Lea, communities are increasingly engaging with renewable energy and carbon capture initiatives, but they face challenges in ensuring that local infrastructure and workforce development keep pace with these advancements. 

Community Archetypes provides a deeper understanding of how communities engage with energy development. With these insights in mind, we will tailor PEDL’s initiatives to emphasize both technological progress and community benefits. This work is essential to building stronger communities, filling existing industry and workforce gaps, and ensuring our efforts have a long-term impact on the region’s well-being. 

Read the Report

Related Resources


National Renewable Energy Laboratory

The University of Texas at Austin

National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Sandia National Laboratories

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