PEDL’s Community-Driven Approach

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If you are interested in working with PEDL on community outreach, please get in touch.

The Permian Energy Development Lab has a big goal: build on the Permian Basin’s status at the center of the global energy economy by catalyzing the development of new energy technologies and, at the same time, creating value for energy communities. We believe it's important for Permian residents to have a voice in the future of the region and ensure they have access to opportunities in the new energy economy.

Working closely with the people living in the Permian’s communities, especially the rural communities that often go overlooked, will help create a fair and enduring energy future. PEDL’s efforts will be organized around three objectives.

1. Raise awareness of educational and economic opportunities

PEDL will work to inform Permian Basin residents of the opportunities that exist in the advanced energy sector. This will include outreach to students, parents, educators and community leaders to highlight the career paths available in advanced energy and the training needed to prepare for them. We have engaged a diverse set of energy companies, from established players to aspiring new entrants. Their on-the-ground insights will shape our education and workforce efforts.  

PEDL also will work to support entrepreneurs and help landowners take advantage of advanced energy opportunities.

2. Provide a forum for people to weigh in on decisions affecting their communities

 Community engagement is a guiding principle for PEDL, characterized by listening, sustained collaboration and identifiable, beneficial outcomes for the residents. As soon as the PEDL coalition came together, we conducted a series of small group discussions and fielded a survey of people living in the Permian Basin. The priorities and concerns we captured inform the lab’s ongoing work. For instance, water quality and quantity emerged as top concerns. That’s why our research team is studying the relationship between new energy systems and water conservation.

We have convened community gatherings in Big Spring, TX and Carlsbad, NM – the first two stops in an ongoing meet-and-greet tour to introduce our initiative, listen and bolster local relationships.

We have also forged a network of civic partnerships spanning the Permian Basin, including local economic development and social service organizations. These are critical conduits to reach residents and align our efforts with broader regional strategies. It is important to us that the voices of all community members are heard, regardless of their background or perspective, so we aim to meet people where they are.

3. Present information about advancements in energy technologies and the new energy economy

Empowering residents to make decisions for themselves and their communities requires reliable information. PEDL will serve as a public resource on the benefits and tradeoffs involved in different energy technologies; the latest research and development; and the policy landscape surrounding the energy transition. PEDL will also work to dispel myths and misconceptions about energy technologies.

Our approach is grounded in pragmatism: developing and deploying advanced energy systems to unlock economic opportunity, improve lives and livelihoods and earn local buy-in every step of the way. We are privileged to lead this vital work alongside diverse partners and communities who call the Permian Basin home.