Permian Basin Residents and the Future of Energy
The path to a decarbonized energy future depends on one factor above all others: people. Nowhere is this truer than in the Permian Basin, the heart of America's energy industry—oil and gas, wind and solar alike. The skills and knowledge of the Permian’s workforce have always played a vital role in shaping the future of energy.
Recognizing the need for a skilled workforce ready to navigate the complexities of an advanced energy future, the Permian Energy Development Lab has established an education and workforce development team. This group is focused on identifying the future needs of the industry, building bridges between the classroom, executive suites, and the field, and nurturing a diverse pipeline of talent equipped to thrive in a dynamic landscape.
The mission is multifaceted:
Bridging knowledge gaps. Working together with energy industry leaders—this includes both oil and gas and renewables—we are pinpointing the specific skills and knowledge needed for the jobs of tomorrow. This approach will ensure that education programs can equip the workforce with the tools they need to succeed.
Charting paths to opportunity. From community colleges to universities, the Permian Energy Development Lab is facilitating the development of innovative programs and curriculum. Whether someone is entering the job market or looking to upskill for the transition, PEDL is creating diverse educational pathways that lead to fulfilling and rewarding careers.
Delivering knowledge in new ways. Traditional classrooms are just one piece of the puzzle. PEDL is exploring innovative delivery strategies, such as online learning platforms and even virtual reality simulations, to reach a wider audience and make education accessible to everyone.
Advanced energy 101. One initiative in the pipeline is a foundational advanced energy credential. This program would provide in-depth knowledge on critical topics like water management, carbon capture, hydrogen technology, and solar energy. It would act as a stepping-stone to further specialization, equipping professionals with the expertise to become valuable contributors to the advanced energy sector.
The PEDL education and workforce team’s first priority is formal buy-in from a range of Permian-based institutions with expertise in advanced energy. Once the administrative framework is in place, the team will dive into developing the dynamic and engaging content that will define this program.
By investing in people, the Permian Energy Development Lab is laying the groundwork for a future where the Permian is not the center of an extractive industry but the heart of a diversified, advanced energy sector—a force powering the future of global energy.