James Kubicki
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James D. Kubicki, Professor of Earth, Environmental & Resource Sciences at UTEP is a member of the Committee on Science for the American Chemical Society which works on policy and frontiers in research. Dr. Kubicki has worked on writing the ACS policy statement on critical minerals. Kubicki’s research includes environmental chemistry and biochemistry. He uses computational chemistry to bring a molecular-level understanding to fields that have traditionally relied upon macroscopic methods. By combining quantum calculations with spectroscopic measurements, he has linked analytical and computational chemists. Kubicki works with multidisciplinary institutes to connect scientists of various disciplines. For example, he has been a lead member of the DOE Energy Frontier Research Center “The Center for Lignocellulose Structure and Formation”. His work in CLSF resulted in a 2019 DOE award for team science. In 2020, he was recognized as a “Pioneer in Clay Science” by the Clay Minerals Society for his work on surface chemistry and in 2021 became an ACS Fellow. Dr. Kubicki’s main contributions has been to lead the use of computational chemistry in environmental geochemistry. He has published over 200 scientific peer-reviewed papers, edited 4 books, and has over 13,000 citations with an h-index = 70.