Permian Resource Map

This interactive map provides a geographic view of energy, infrastructure and natural resource data. Use the information to learn more about the features of PEDL’s region of service.

How to use the map:

1. Select the layers of data you want to show on the map.

  • Click the stacked layers button [ ] at the bottom of the left-hand toolbar.
  • Show or hide data by selecting the eye [ ] for each variable. Note: the top level (parent) variable must be turned on for sub-variables to appear on the map.

  • 2. Reorder the data layers by dragging the dots [ ] up and down.

    3. Zoom in on a particular location by choosing the plus [ + ] or minus [ - ] icons on the left-hand toolbar. You can also find an address using the search field [ ] at the top of the right-hand toolbar.

    4. Export and save your map by choosing the image [ ] or print [ ] icons.

    Source: Created by Mert Ugurhan, Bureau of Economic GeologyState of Texas Advanced Resource Recovery (STARR).

    Metadata for the layers is available here.

    Bureau of Economic Geology