Regional collaboration will build on the Permian basin’s status for the global energy community
The Permian Energy Development Laboratory announced the signing of a memorandum of understanding among seven New Mexico and Texas universities, two national laboratories and a center for advanced energy research at UT Energy Week 2023. The MOU reflects a shared goal of conducting advanced energy research and deployment, educating the next generation of energy professionals, and supporting energy-intensive communities and the natural resources they depend on.
Presentations focused on the history of the Permian basin and the impact of extended-reach horizonal drilling and staged fracing techniques. The panel also provided input on the role of ESG and how the industry will attract, recruit and retain top HR talent in a difficult business environment.
Other discussion was provided on the role of the university system and how the industry can diversify to solve the challenges surrounding operations in the Permian, such as water conservation and recycling produced water. The collaboration will work on re-educating the work force to build renewables, including solar panels and other non-oil and gas power-generating technologies. A reoccurring theme was the decarbonation of energy generation, using hydrogen, geothermal and CCUS. The Permian is one of the leaders in the U.S. for research and technology development.
“We want to have meaningful conversations with our students about improving air and water quality, while reducing the Permian’s carbon footprint,” said Tramaine Anderson, vice president for instruction, Odessa College. Another idea about how to utilize Permian land for renewables was suggested by Marilu Hastings, executive vice president, Cynthia and George Mitchell Foundation. “There are many landowners in the Permian that have no mineral rights but might be receptive to using their land for solar and wind power. After all, there is no shortage of sun and wind in West Texas,” Hastings mused. Discussion also touched on the role of artificial intelligence and machine learning.